
Precise Planning

Tourist Facility

Precise Planning is one of few town planners who have had the opportunity to not only manage developments in mainland Australia, but also on Lord Howe island for tourist accommodation.

Seniors Living

Seniors Living

Precise Planning has led a team in the preparation of a development application proposing over 200 senior’s living dwellings, as well as the adaptive re-use of a large house which is a local item of heritage significance.

Site Compatibility Certificates

Precise Planning has prepared applications to obtain two Site Compatibility Certificates from Department of Planning Industry and Environment, enabling consideration of two nursing homes (150 beds each) and over 200 self-care and serviced self-care dwellings.

Poultry Farms

Poultry Farms

Precise Planning has led an expert consultancy team in the preparation of several large-scale poultry expansion applications. Poultry operations are sensitive land uses and very often give rise to rural land use conflict. Precise Planning worked through many complex issues, often dealing directly with objectors to resolve potential impacts related to air quality, noise and …

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Residential Rezoning

Precise Planning acted as the principal planner to successfully obtain Council and Gateway approval to a rezoning of land from rural to residential zones, which will ultimately create approximately 270 residential and large-lot residential lots.

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