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Dual occupancy dwellings, also known as a duplexes, can maximise the value of land for property owners and developers. Dual occupancies are defined in the Standard Instrument Principal Local Environmental Plan as two dwellings on one title, either attached or detached. This means that on a single property, there are two separate dwellings that are …
Dual occupancy dwellings: Can I build one on my land? Read More »
This article provides an overview of the purpose of the Site Compatibility Certificate (SCC) in relation to the Seniors SEPP. In 2004, the NSW state government introduced the State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing for Seniors or People with a Disability) 2004 (Seniors Living SEPP) in response to NSW’s ageing population. In 2016, there were more …
Site Compatibility Certificate – Seniors Housing Read More »
What is a boarding house? A boarding house is a residential building with individual units, and may have shared amenities, such as communal kitchens, bathrooms, and laundry rooms. However, there are many new generation boarding houses that have self-contained units with individual bathrooms and kitchens. This type of accommodation is targeted towards young professionals, students, …
All development within local government areas (LGAs) in NSW is controlled by an environmental planning instrument called a Local Environmental Plan, or LEP for short. The LEP outlines, amongst other things, what can be built, for what purpose a building or land may be used and includes a variety of controls or “development standards”, designed …